What is hormone imbalance?
What’s the Process for hormone Therapy?
Our physicians at Health for Life Naturopathic Medicine are trained in bioidentical hormone
replacement therapy (BHRT) that suits the individual needs of their patients. Formulations are
customized based on clinical history and extensive laboratory evaluation of your hormones. Natural
hormone prescriptions are sent to a local compounding pharmacy that create patient specific
formulations. Bioidentical hormones are meant to balance our body’s own natural hormones produced
in formulations that are biologically equivalent to our body’s chemistry. Prescriptions are dosed with
safe strategies that improve symptoms with the lowest risk of side effects. Formulations may contain
any or all of the following hormones based on clinical need: estradiol, estriol, DHEA, testosterone,
progesterone and pregnenolone. Prescriptions will be offered in a variety of delivery methods based on
patient preference and desired goals; prescriptions may be come as topical hormone creams, sublingual
hormone troches or lozenges, oral capsules or as hormone injections. Patients are monitored regularly
to ensure proper dosing and improvement of symptoms. The most common symptoms patients will
seek hormone replacement therapy are but not limited to: fatigue, muscle weakness, low or no libido,
pain with intercourse, hot flashes, mood changes (anxiety, depression, irritability), decreased in volume
and quality of sleep, inability to achieve or maintain erections, osteoporosis or bone loss, reduce vaginal
moisture or tone, increase in vaginal infections, decreased skin tone or premature wrinkling, delayed
muscle recovery after exercise, or a decrease in ability to achieve healthy muscle mass with exercise.
While women often seek natural hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for perimenopausal symptoms or
signs of menopause, PMS symptoms, or fertility hormone use; men often seek testosterone
replacement therapy for symptoms of andropause.
Schedule a consult today with any one of our three bioidentical hormone doctors to discuss how bioidentical hormone replacement therapy may suit your needs and help live a more balanced life.